white ballot box on the table
Blog Sprit Filled Living Annie Cummins 142 views

Using your Vote to Heal Our Land: Fulfilling 2 Chronicle 7:14

It’s Fall of 2024, and no I did not meant that as a pun, or joke. We have entered into the time in which we, the legal citizens of the United States of America, must make a choice. Once again we need to decide how we will proceed in the upcoming election for President, and Vice President of this country to save our land, or let it die completely.

The past few years have been very difficult for many to say the least. So many lies, so much deception, so many mistakes. These actions have left many believers, and non-believers wondering whether to vote or not to vote, and with good reason. So many are wondering what difference their vote makes when the corruption of rigged elections leaves the lingering feeling of a third world country dictatorship. Some believers,(Christians as some like to say), are even concerned about electing the anti-christ into office. All of these reasons are of concern. However they are not acceptable reasons, excuses, or justification to avoid voting all together.

Firstly, let’s not forget “WHO” is ultimately in charge of all the moving parts. Hint: it’s not the democrats, republicans, liberals, green, red, orange, blue party, Trump, Harris or anyone else. GOD is in control! He is our savior! Anyone who calls themself a believer in Jesus, or Christian should know this first hand. We are neither smaller, nor insignificant. Granted with all the noise we can get caught up, and lose sight of things. Remember that we are not to be dismayed. Does it happen, yes it does, but it is my intention to shed a bit of light to illuminate this subject in a way many have not.

Even though “He”, (the Lord), is in control at times, it can seem as though things are out of control. His timing is his timing. It is divine timing. Prophesy will be fulfilled regardless of how we might try to manipulate, or justify our actions around it. What we do know for sure is that God intends for us to prosper, and that doesn’t always happen easy.

I began preaching and witnessing 2 Chronicles 7:14 since before covid.

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.-NIV

However, I found that most people had no real understanding of the significance until now. I believe it has become all too evident considering the state of the country, and the horrendous mess we find our very lives in. We are living in some of the worst days I’ve experience in all my years. I never imagined I would be wondering what my world will look like when I wake up on November 6, 2024.

So what exactly is the signification of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and what on earth does it have to do with choosing to vote or not? First of all, believers need to come to the hard realization that we are responsible. We made the choices to look the other way, to be accepting of the un-acceptible, and to have general malaise regarding our walk of faith. I’m not talking about being hateful or cruel, but down right ignoring Godly truths. In this way, we have acted against God, and his laws. Whether knowingly, or not we are accountable. Accountability is where we are today. If we want things to turn around for the better, we MUST humble ourselves; (i.e. bow down before God), pray, and seek His wisdom not ours. We must turn from our wickness, yes wickness! While we, as believers in Jesus Christ , have accepted him as our saviour and been forgiven of our sins we are to go and sin no more. But, we haven’t! Instead, we followed along with the pagans, doing as the pagans do. Now is the time turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves, to pray, and seek God and his wisdom. To cry out to him, “heal our land Father!”

By voting for someone who professes they will uphold Godly values, someone who stands with Israel and God’s chosen people, someone who will allow freedom to practice your faith, who will secure our country, and uphold laws that protect those who can’t protect themselves your are asking God to heal our land. You are casting your lot for someone who professes to believe in, and saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
By not voting you are essentially telling our Lord and Savior that you are willing to accept whatever consequences may come without any regard to what those consequences truly may be. You are telling God that you are willing to accept the consequences of other people choices. Because like it or not…it is now someone else’s choice to make if you choose not to vote, and not yours anymore. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had all I can stand of that.

I VOTED because I want to see restoration of our land. I am willing to accept responsibility, humble myself before God, pray, and seek him. I am NOT ashamed to cast my lot for those who profess to be willing to do right by God, because I know that if they speak falsely HE, the Lord of Lords will bring about a reconning!
If you have not voted, I hope and pray I have given you, through the direction of the Holy Spirit, something to ponder soon enough for you to make the right decision to stand before God, and cast your lot to heal our land.

As always I wish you all my love in Christ Jesus,


Annie 🙂