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Beyond Rapture and Revelation: Embracing the Journey, Not Just the Finish Line

As a student of Eschatology, (the study of the end times), I find myself steeped in the mysteries that are contained within the scriptures. I find myself more hopeful, and more enthusiastically unpacking the details of what’s to come with excitement. However, there are some details that I feel bear noting for immediate clarification regarding “the” rapture and “the” tribulation.

It is my heartfelt desire to relay thoughtful, and accurate information regarding all things I discuss. I have no mal-intent, or dislike for any of my bothers and sisters in Christ; nor regarding their personal stance on the end times. However, it is of great concern to me that many believers will fall away, as the scriptures tell us, due to inaccurate teachings. (Matthew 24:10 (ESV) 10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.)

It is due to this “falling away” that I go to great lengths to present the most up-to-date, and factual data that I can to support the position/s I currently hold. I say, “currently” because there are subtle nuances, re-definitions, and developments that come up from time to time as I walk this narrow path of understanding. My personal walk of faith is one in which I endeavor to understand, honor, and please The Lord with all that I do. That being said please know that my hope is to give encouragement, and understanding in matters of difficulty. I want to bridge the gap of misconception, misunderstanding, and indifference currently facing “the church” today regarding “the end times”.

My recent studies have open up a depth of meaning to me that I had not previously understood, or considered regarding the end times. I want to share the enlightenment I received, and pray that you find the same encouragement I did. Please note that I am not giving an endorsement, nor do I receive compensation from the following text I will be citing. I simply want to pass along a reference that I found helpful in fleshing out my current eschatological beliefs. My current reading on this matter that has given me better insight is, Robert Van Kampen’s book, “The Rapture Question Answered, plain and simple”. You can find this book as an audiobook, in print, and purchasable in Logos Bible app for use in your library. Robert’s book, along with a great many other people and resources, has help me to make crucial distinctions in my current position. He’s attention to, and explanation of, details is to be commended. Robert’s book is factual, heavily cited, and very informative. I encourage you to further you knowledge based with this book, and seek out other sources so you can make a factually informed position.

Moving on then… in the world of eschatological studies there are a great many of us who differ on things that may seem trivial, and many be in the end. However, the biggest sticking point seems to be regarding “The Rapture”. There is no argument about a rapture happening, but rather the timing. It seems like such a silly thing for those who are on the outside looking in, but the timing of the rapture is a crucial matter that should be considered with great reverence. The “timing” of the rapture is what I believe will separate those who fall away from those who “endure to the end”. So, it should go without saying that having a proper understanding of the timing is meaningful.

A great falling away will occur;

(Matthew 24:9–14 (NIV) “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.)

I feel very strongly that the falling away will be in relation to the timing of the rapture. If the timing does not occur as some expect it too, (i.e. before the tribulation period begins), then it would be reasonable to presume that these unfortunate one’s might lose hope, and faith all together…thus”fall away”. I see this occurring with people who might feel mislead, or that “everything” was false. This is a playground for the master manipulator “the enemy, or satan”. What better way for him to obtain “willing”, and they must be willing, converts for his lake of fire? But, those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear” can reason with discernment what is true when given proper direction. This, by no means, is` my way of saying, “I’m right; you’re wrong”. What I am saying is that each person is responsible to study, research, test, and discern before trusting anyone’s opinion/position. You have to do your own due diligence in the word of The Lord if you desire to prosper, and thrive rather than just exist. We are told to rightly divide the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV 1900)15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.)

So then, “What does the timing of the rapture have to do with the falling away”, you may be asking? The timing has everything to do with the rapture to those who believe in what is know as “pre-tribulation”. For those of you who may not know what this term means it is simply the belief that “the church” or “body of believers” will be “raptured” or taken up PRIOR to any tribulation. Pre-tribbers ,as they are referred to, believe they will not be subject to “the wrath”. If you have followed me, or read any of my previous posts you know that I don’t subscribe to, or believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. That’s not to say that I dislike anyone who does. Rather, I will attempt to explain my position and hopefully you will come to understand why I feel this way through facts; not speculation.

First of all, a pre-tribulation rapture is not Biblically supported. I’m not presenting that case here in this article so I won’t go into all the facts about that. In this article I will be focusing in on new specifics I want to relate regarding rapture timing, and thoughts about that. If you wish to follow up on my position regarding specifics about Pre-Tribulation I will refer you to my youtube channel video link on the subject here: (Disclaimer: This video is very strong, and dramatic. It is not suitable for children due to the subject matter of end times events. Viewer discretion advised)

So if I don’t believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, and I do believe in “a” rapture then what is it? That’s an excellent question. What I have currently decided to take as my defining position on “the rapture” of the church I call “PT/PW”. PT/PW is post-tribulation pre-wrath. This is where things get a bit more complex, and nuanced. The pre-trib position holds that they will be taken up prior to “any” tribulation based on the scriptures that tells us, the body of believers in Christ Jesus, will not endure the wrath. It is true that we, the body of believers, are not appointed to wrath;

(1 Thessalonians 5:9 (ASV) 9For God appointed us not unto wrath, but unto the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,)

However, I need to clarify a point here. Who’s wrath, or wrath of whom will we be subjected to then? Here is one of the subtleties, or nuances I would like note. Most of us would presume that the scriptures are referring to God’s wrath when referencing the subject of wrath. After all, who else has the the ability to be wrathful? But, there is another time of wrath during the “end of days” that I am referring to in this context. think there is a key element hiding under the surface here, and yes…I do mean it metaphorically as well. The wrath of Satan!

Satan’s wrath will come upon the Earth. His rage will be poured out on the saints.

(Revelation 13:7 (ESV) Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation,)

(Revelation 13:7 (NIV)It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.)

Okay, so this doesn’t sound very hopeful I know. Our hope is in the return of Christ not escaping trials. Trials are part of the human experience, and not easily avoidable. We are to be looking forward to Christ’s triumphant return.

So with this in mind I feel obligated to tell you that as “those who remain” we will be subject to Satan’s wrath; otherwise known as “tribulation”. The importance here to me is that my brothers and sisters in Christ are not swayed, or dismayed when tribulation comes on “those who remain”- I have affectionately termed “tribulation saints”. It is my strong belief that those who think, or have been told they will not face tribulation are at risk of “falling away” when tribulation comes. To that, I will say that as of posting this article we are already in the midst of trials and tribulation. Some of my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ my be in a state of denial, but friends it is happening. These are some of THE worst days I have lived through in my lifetime…I’m closing in on 60 as of this posting. There is no reasonable way to deny it.

With this in mind I heart-fully ask that you consider digging deep, and praying that the Lord will strengthen you so you can endure to the end. Endurance is more than physical strength. Endurance is the ability to know your limits, to persevere through hardships, to encourage others along the journey, and to know the truth. I am more hopeful, and at peace than I have been in quite some time now that I have a deeper understanding, and less misconception about this matter. Hope for me is not just believing a thing, but know it without any doubt.

I would like to close here, and refer to a future vlog on the subject with greater detail. For the time being you can read Robert’s book I mentioned above, or research other resources to dive deeper. As always I will say, “Don’t take my word for it. Prove it for yourself!”

I pray that I have been able to be a light in the darkness for you, and wish you all my love in Christ as we travel this road of faith.
May God Bless you and Keep you,

Annie 🙂