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Blog Inspirational Annie Cummins 200 views

Beyond the Blog: My Imperfect Attempts to Articulate My Christian Heart.

It’s a new day, and already I’m feeling the weight of yet another discovery about my walk of faith. You see it has come to my attention that once again I think I may have mis-stated my position as it relates to my personal Christian worldview.

As I was working on some video bible studies, and deep diving into different topics I soon came to realize that in my recent words with others I could very well have given a different opinion than I had intended. This is problematic for me in that I truly want my stance to be clear. Considering the enormous amount of time I dedicate to helping others, by blogging, podcast, videoing, teaching, witnessing, and mentoring I want there to be no doubt what I stand for, and what I am in opposition to as it relates to my walk of faith.

There is a particular individual currently who I respect, enjoy listening to, and who is extremely knowledgeable on many of the Biblical topics I am studying right now. However, as I continued to view topic upon topic I began to learn about concepts that were really new to me. Concepts that I felt I may have inadvertently, and erroneously conveyed as my viewpoint. So what’s the big deal? Lots of people are mis-understood these days. In fact, it’s quite common to mis-understand people. Well, the “big deal” is now that I know some of these theories, or concepts I would not want another believer to mis-construe my heart on the subject.

There are so many terms in the academic world of Believers that it can be mind boggling. Terms such as; “Preterist”, “Amillennial”, “pre-trib”, “post trib”, “replacement theology” etc, etc…..After learning a great many of these terms, descriptions, and explanations I began to have concern. Concern that things I have said in passing could possibly covey an idea other than what I truly believe. In the moment, I knew that I was making a statement rhetorically, or possibly simply a statement out of curiosity.

I am known for being a bit of a deep thinker. A friend once told me that he saw me as “a mile wide, and a mile deep”. I took that as a complement as I believe it was intended.

I have become accustom, over the years, to being often mis-understood. But, when it comes to our walk of faith I think it is apparent that we need to be crystal clear on our position in Christ. We are living in a time of great upheaval, and the last thing any of us need is to seem, or sound “lukewarm”! I believe we need to, as believers, ask questions of those we engage with without assuming or presuming first. I find that by repeating what I heard someone say, and asking if that is what they meant for me to hear helps to clarify the conversation.

There are a great many opinions, viewpoints, and erroneous ideas in the Christian world today. As we move closer to the return of Messiah, we in turn are moving closer to tribulation as well.

We also need to be heavily steeped in the word of God, and know what all of these various opinions, beliefs, and terms mean. We need to familiarize ourselves with the nuances of the academic, and scholarly world of Faith. Deep driving into “The Word” helps to grow your heart for God more and more. After all in 2Timothy 2:15 (NIV) it states the following, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” We truly do need to know without any doubt where we stand on a great many theological positions circulating today.

We are living in chaotic times, and we can not be dismayed, or confused. We can not allow ourselves to “fall away” due to lack of proper understanding. We have to stand firm for what we believe, and be prepared to defend, explain, or refute our belief.

It is my hope that this blog post will serve as an encouragement to other believers, and non-believers to get into the word of God, and really solidify your stance without any doubt so that you can stand the test of time that is drawing near.

As always, I wish you all the love in Christ Jesus!

Shalom-Annie 🙂