Blog Inspirational Annie Cummins 338 views

It’s your Jonah moment…

Have you heard God’s calling, but are still running?

Today I’m going to approach a touchy subject…God’s calling of individual believers

So today I am compelled to share a bit of a personal experience, but first let me explain what the above headings mean. Why is God’s calling of individual believers a touchy subject? To begin with, most believers feel that they are answering God’s calling in their life. For me to prepose such a challenge to that current belief is to say they are hiding from God’s true purpose for their life.

Many of us feel we are acting, and working with God. However, it’s my personal experience in my own life, and the lives of others I’ve known that we are not. As human beings are very self-centered. Yes, I am aware this is a bold declaration about people. However, I think it is important that we start to face the reality of our motives. We need to recognize our own justification habits regarding our actions. There is a more in depth reason to which I have come to these conclusion, but that is another discussion to come. For now, let’s focus on how we handle our acceptance of what God asked of us. I will begin by discussing how this is, and has been, applicable in my own life.

For many years now I have begged, and pleaded with the Lord to allow me to be a workman for him. I asked over and over again to let me do “something”. I even became so impatient that I would venture out on my own without God’s approval thinking “I” knew what “I” needed to be doing. Obviously, this ending in disappointment and despair. While I had the best intentions it was not in God’s timing. So, I decided to step back and wait for the Lord to sanctify me for service. What I had in mind was drastically different from what He had in mind for me.

You see I am fortunate to be gifted with many talents, and resources in this point in my life. Knowing that I possess these gifts, and talents gave me the impression that I was to use them a certain way based on my limited understanding. So, that then lead me to an “idea” of what I thought the Lord was preparing me for based on my current understanding. However, when “the call” came in I stepped back, and went into a place of internal hiding. I was frightening, and felt unprepared for what I felt the Lord was asking me to do. Though I was, and am, fully competent to do the task he set before me I was reluctant. My reluctance was due to an incorrect assumption of what “I” thought the Lord was preparing me for. In my own mindset of contemplation everything I was to be doing for Him seemed to be a comfortable, and simple task. I had not considered that my gifts, and talents might be used in a fashion in which I would find myself feeling vulnerable, and open to possible persecution. Oh, sure, I always talk a good game about, “I’m not scare to do what the Lord calls me to do!”, or “I’m don’t care what people say about me!”. The fact of the matter is that I am scared, and I do care. It would be “inhuman” of me not to be. That being said I found myself in a “Jonah” moment. Do I flee, do run as fast as I can to Nineveh, or just shut down all together? Before I answer that let’s talk a trip down history lane, and look at what happened to Jonah.

In 1 Jonah we find Jonah being commanded by God to go and preach to the wicked Ninevehites. Jonah was afraid of them because of how wicked they were. So instead of going to Nineveh and preaching against them on behalf of God Jonah fled. He attempted to hide from God by boarding a ship and escaping the region. While aboard the ship a great storm came, and the ship was in peril. The sailors all cast lots to determine “who” was at fault for their situation. The lot fell to Jonah so the sailors agreed to throw him into the sea in an effort to relieve the sin, and eventually rescue themselves from God’s wrath.

God arranged for a large fish, we all assume the fish was a whale, to swallow Jonah. While inside the whale three days and three night Jonah prayed continually for God to release him from the fish. God heard Jonah’s prayer and had the fish spit Jonah out onto dry land. Then the Lord spoke to him a second time; telling Jonah to go back to Nineveh and preach to the people there to turn away from their evil ways, and turn back to God. So Jonah quickly made his way back in honor of God’s command.

Now, I’m not attempting to indicate that I was inside a big fish for 3 days, and 3 nights. What I am willing to admit to is trying to run away from, or hide myself from what God was telling me to do. I can definitely relate to the imagined fear Jonah had about the task set before him. I too felt afraid. That fear was based in non-truths, and in lies of the enemy. Once I gained the recognition that I was operating in a false state of lies, and misdirection I “took up my cross” and stepped out into the vast unknown.

What “unknown” you may be asking? That unknown would be exactly what you are reading now. That’s right, my blog, podcast, and vlogging efforts to spread God’s truth to a vast world. You see, even though I am a very friendly, open individual, I am a recluse at heart. Is that Biblical you may ask? No, it isn’t! Being aware of this issue has always bothered me until now. After much contemplation, and prayer it has come to my awareness that “God’s grace is sufficient for me, and his power is made perfect in weakness”-2 Chron 12:9.

So, here I am answering God’s call outside of my comfort zone. Finding my own way to Nineveh, and allowing Him to work through me with His Holy Spirit. The Lord has given me instructions as to how the gifts and talents He gave me will be used, and all I have to do is step out in faith.

In conclusion, I would like to encourage you to ask yourself if you feel as though you have been living in the “belly” of a whale? Are you ready to be spat out and begin the work the Lord has set before you, and prepared you for? I believe you are, or you would not be reading this now. We all have those Jonah moments. The question is, “What are you waiting for!”

May God Bless you, and his wisdom shine upon you! All my love in Christ Jesus,

Annie 🙂