Blog Annie Cummins 325 views

Statement of Faith

I would like to begin by thank you for your interest in my blog. I pray you will come away feeling renewed in your walk with The Lord.

I felt that it was important for me state just WHAT I believe, and WHAT my walk of faith is about. In this day and age there is so much to filter through when it comes to people of faith.

I speak about raw, and uncompromising truth regarding faith which can lead people to conclude,( erroneously), a range of ideas about what I believe.

First, and foremost…I believe in Jesus Christ, he is my Lord and Savior. He was born of a virgin, lived on this earth, was flesh, was crucified, descended into hell to release the captives, and take back the keys. God raised Jesus on the third day. Jesus ascended into heaven after being seen by a multitude of people, including the Apostles. He promised to return to bring us, believers, to the new kingdom.

I believe that all 66 books of the Bible are the inspired word of God…regardless of what language it is translated into. I also study the books of the ancient texts, and various Jewish texts not usually read or discussed in “mainstream” Christian churches.

I am considered a Christian because I believe in Jesus Christ, but I am not denominational. I do not participate in a typical “Sunday” worship service, but rather I begin the Sabbath at sunset on Friday and continue until sunset on Saturday.

My witness and ministry is one of an ‘impromptu’, in the moment encounter with others. My blog, podcast, and vlog are an extension of that.

It is my personal commitment to full-filled Jesus’ last commandment for us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.

I know without a shadow of doubt that Jesus will return one day. That one day could be any day, so I endeavor to keep my “lamp” filled with oil, and the wick trimmed. This means that I make every effort to stay in the word of the Lord, and to follow in his ways with all my heart.

I do not believe in or promote a “pre-tribulation” rapture. I have documentable, and historical data that discounts that false teaching.

I believe in an un-ashamed walk of faith, the love of Jesus, and the fulfillment of the fruit of the Spirit.

However, I am a horribly flawed human being. I believe in humbling ourselves before God, prior to asking for anything. It is part of my walk to continually study to show myself approved, and to know the truth. 2Tim 2:15.

Fewwww….that was a lot. I pray that if you endured to the end of this you will come away knowing the truth about where I stand.

May God’s wisdom shine upon you, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

With all my love,

Annie 🙂