Blog Eschatology Annie Cummins 11 views

Countdown to Reality: Is “THE” Day of Atonement Upon Us?

As of the writing, and subsequent posting of this article, on October 6th, 2024 USA we are only 5 days away from Yom Kippur, or “The Day of Atonement”.

In light of recent catastrophic events, the awakenings at the watchmen’s hours, and feelings of uneasiness I am compelled by The Holy Spirit to speak out, or otherwise blow the shofar to all the people of the Earth that the time is NOW to wake up! Up until now I have taken a very gentle approach, in my opinion, to pressing the issue of repentance. I have spoken on the subject numerous times, in numerous ways to numerous people. However, I feel that I have been ineffective in my previous approaches. It pains me to think that I failed my job as a watchman. Not only does it pain me, but it pains God as well. The Bible is very clear in: Ezekiel 33:4-6,

“ 4 then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head.

5 Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves.

6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.”

The New International Version. 2011. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Ezekiel 33:6 is the troubling part for me. I was appointed a watchman at an early age, and at that time I had no clue what it was or even meant until I began an intensive study of eschatology several years ago at a late age. That being the case I am acutely aware of the overwhelming importance to warn people of the coming judgement, and the overwhelming need for repentance.

We ALL need to repent; believers and non-believers alike. This is a time like no other in history. There are people alive today who can attest to the troubles this world is facing. The youth care not possibly because they have no frame of reference for which to compare to. Those of us who have life experience, and length of time here on Earth, long enough to have experienced better days, can see what’s before us. This is the very reason that we need to shout, or rather blow the shofar to warn and awaken the “sleepers”.

I recently happened upon a comment of a video on this very this subject, (my apologies for forgetting the name of the individual who so brilliantly put this), he said some like this; “does anyone feel like they are a waiter on the titanic, and some people are looking for life boats, others don’t even care about life boats, while still others are only concerned about what’s for desert’?! I thought to myself, “Yes, I most definitely feel like that, and that scares the life out of me!” ‘People we are sinking into frozen waters; you better get to a boat while you still can!”

Rumor, hear-say, and warmongering aside, the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur is just around the corner. There is a great deal of unexplored details surrounding the pro-hectic events occurring that suggest ‘“NOW” is the time to so called, “get right with God”, repent of your sins and turn to Christ, accept him as your savior. Those of you who are believers need to stop embracing the sin of this world, and stop-justifying your worldly actions. Believers are not exempt from accountability. Those of you on the fence better pick side before your side is chosen for you. Those of you who thought you had plenty of time to “figure it out” times up!

I have nothing, but love and grace in my heart as I pass along such harshness of reality. My wish is to serve The Lord as I am called to do so, but by no means is it an easy job. If ever there is a time for someone to believe it is NOW!

Don’t take my word for it. Do the research, look up scripture, pray, and listen to The Holy Spirit. Be quick about it. Should all the signs be correct, and the time is at the doorstep you don’t want it to be shut in your face because you were late to the gathering.

If you are someone is seeing the signs, and is aware then tell everyone. Get out and sound the alarm. If you can’t go out then use whatever communication means you have; social media springs to mind.

I don’t take this on lightly. I have been on a quest for many years to uncover, understand, and reveal the secrets of the “end times”. I don’t like to use the word “secret”, but it is merely a feeling. There is really no secret about it all. Things are right before us if we stop closing our eyes wishing it all away. It’s happening, it’s real, and now we have to face it. We must be prepared, we must prepare others, and we must be strong.

Psalm 23:4

‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2009. Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

So, in conclusion, if for any reason I myself, and many others who have studied eschatology at length might be wrong you’ve lost nothing. However…if we are right, you and anyone you have not warned will be in great distress. (Refer to Ezekiel 33:4-6) I myself prefer to err on the side of caution. A bit of Pascale’s wager doesn’t hurt. After all, how many of us carry an umbrella in our vehicle somewhere?!

As a side note…be watchful and aware on sky above the next few days ahead…Specifically, October 8-12. What will you witness?

God gave us the stars, and the planets as a way of keeping track of things. Look to Genesis 1:1. Keep in mind that most of the events on the Biblical calendar coincide with the actual time, and lunar calendar in Israel; not the US.

I wish you all my love in Christ Jesus in the coming days, and grace be with you all! Shaloam


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