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Inspirational Uncategorized Annie Cummins 29 views

“Rising Above: Illuminating a World of Darkness”

When it comes to living in a fallen world such as it is today the challenges are real. To say otherwise would be ignorant, or even apathetic. Believers have real lives, with real dramas, joys, and the like, but there is a line we should endeavor not to cross. The saying, “When in Rome…” jumps to mind.

We, as believers, are called to stand out from the crowd. To set ourselves apart. To be the beacon of hope for salvation. To shed the light of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ…our Lord and Savior. As such, we are to act in such way that others will see our good works. However, this is not to say that what we do is by works, or works at all. Work/works in this instance is our love for others.

Love and grace for others is not a concept that comes naturally for me. I admit that I am still struggling with letting go of past hurts and bitterness. While I am aware that I need to purge this unhealthy part of my walk, I am embracing the love for others through the challenge. I place my trust in the Lord, and with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit I have found my peace and balance.

As the world around us darkens we need to turn up the lights even brighter. We need to be willing to venture out of our comfort zone, and into the darkness. If we wait for it to come to us we are already at a disadvantage. By seeking guidance from above, and grasping our courage we can indeed face the darkness together.

More and more as I pluck up the courage to get out into the world around me in the places that I know are not openly embracing Christ I find that I am less alone that I thought I was. I meet more and more believers doing their very best to be the light in these little dark corners of our present world. If they can do it then so can I; and I must!

I want to encourage you to look for the lights in the darkness, seek out others who are traveling the path as well, and light more paths. This worlds needs to see the love of Christ more than ever before. “For such a time as this” we were created.

As always, all my love in Christ!


Annie 🙂