Welcome to Advancing Faith

If you are tired of the same old ‘mainstream’ preaching, and you feel there “must” be something more then you have found a familiar voice. I began this blog to hopefully pass along the wisdom that the Lord blessed me with. I found a deeper understanding, and love of scripture, and I want others to hear about that awakening. I caution you…I speak on a very honest, and raw level about topics others don’t dare tread. You are likely going to feel challenged in what you thought you knew, believed, and maybe a bit uncomfortable. I encourage you to research, and investigate everything I post, and say. I will do my best to cite all my resources, but you need to verify it for yourself. Please remember to pray for God’s wisdom to shine on me as well as for yourself. I will need all the covering I can get, because the enemy is lurking in wait to trip me. Thank you for your understanding, and willingness to stick with me.
All my love,

Annie 🙂
